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Energizer Bunny: Sunnyside Su & her Rainbow Slaw Recipe!

Welcome to my first blog post!

Known as the Energizer Bunny for most of my life, my elementary school report cards referred to me as "bubbly" and "enthusiastic" .....which were likely "teacher-code" for "she talks too much!",

The Energizer Bunny in the photo was yours truly upon my induction as our Probus President in Midland in 2017. [PROBUS =Professional Business Retired Social Group]

I was surprised to be presented with the costume, which was just one more confirmation that my Energizer Bunny "persona" was still intact as an adult!

These days I spend my time using that energy to fit in a variety of activities which include meditation, yoga, workouts, pickleball, kayaking, walking, reading, playing piano, volunteering locally at the Wye Marsh, The Midland Cultural Centre Box Office and recently, Mundy's Bay P.S......and of course, baking Sunnyside Su's Healthy Treats in my home certified kitchen [and sharing healthy product samples at local events.]

It's no surprise that I wanted to acknowledge my inner "Energizer Bunny" when developing a tagline for Sunnyside Su's Healthy Treats: "Energize your body one blissful bite at a time!" To that end, here's a recipe to provide you with healthy veggies in a variety of colours that will energize you for sure!

Sunnyside Su's Rainbow Slaw

Sunnyside Su’s Paleo Rainbow Slaw

A perfect product for Pride Month this year!

Rainbow Slaw Ingredients:

Combine the following:

  • 3 complete stalks and heads of broccoli [peeled stalks]-grated

  • 4-5 carrots-peeled and grated

  • 1/3- 1/2 purple cabbage, grated

  • 1 bunch of green onions cut finely [on the diagonal]

  • 1 yellow pepper diced

  • 1/3 cup chopped mint [or parsley or basil or a combo]

  • 1 pomegranate [arils (seeds) from one pomegranate]

  • [optional-1 granny smith apple diced]

Rainbow Slaw Dressing

Combine the following and toss with the slaw!

  • zest and juice of 1 lemon

  • 2 tbsp raw honey

  • 2 tbsp unfiltered apple cider vinegar

  • 3 tbsp walnut oil

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